Today, something interesting sticked my mind. Why is the American Army perceived as superior? I think it has more to do than the number of battles they have won while in war. It has to do with your psychology. To give you an idea of what entails psychological warfare, Wikipedia is defined as:
"The planned use of propaganda and other psychological actions having the primary purpose of influencing the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of hostile foreign groups in such a way as to support the achievement of national objectives"
This means, that movies are effectively the best medium to "brain wash" people and implant an idea into the sub-conscious mind. I think, movies are the most effective forms of propaganda.
Unlike a politician giving a lecture, the movie targets your sub-conscious mind. In lectures, your mind is already pre-prepared to receive pro-government and hence, is well defended against white lies and false claims. In the movie theatre, your attitude would be to enjoy on the conscious level. Yet, if you were to watch a movie with the american army involved in some way or another (Iron Man, Salt, Rambo ...), sub-consciously, you go "Wow! The CIA is so cool." or "I really wished I could join the American Secret Service!". The second this thought even crosses, your mind, the American Army has successfully implanted the fear within you.
Same goes for Russian Spies. Its illustrations in many cool spy movies have made the world think of them as god-like.
With such strong yet subtle 'corruption' of the mind, I think every government should sponsor films that depict positively of its army or country. This way, we, consumers, also get better quality films and more action!
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