For the past few days now, I have been boasting to my friends about my mbp's superb battery life. I literally never bothered to bring the adapter wherever i go. It was impossible that I would manage to use up 7 hours of battery in school when i would use it for only 5 hours at most. but despite all happened; it happened just as I was glorifying the mac openly.
Thank you Apple!
So firstly, I switched on my laptop after my maths lesson (first lesson) at around 10am. I was in the library talking about SAFMC (Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition - this is a real mouthful!) with Je Hon and Minh Tu. Je Hon was showing us some videos on youtube on my laptop on medium brightness and wifi. Not much battery was wasted - an hour at most. Then I decided to take a nap all the way till 11.30 before my next lesson. I combined 3 chairs and made it into the best medical bed of the century. The curves of the chair were perfect for my spine and lower body. With my bag as the pillow, it was home sweet home.
Je Hon continued using the mac though.
Down to 80%.
The next time I opened it was around 12.30. Used Adobe Lightroom at low brightness and wifi on. Played around with it for about 75 mins before I proceeded to meet Dr Chong where I fired up Xcode to show him a bunch of errors i got while compiling pbrt. I was back in class for my english presentation at 2.
Batter still pretty fine - 60%.
But this is where things start to really screw up. I went to the canteen and met the usual Punju Power gang. Joked around and sidwyn then asked me to show him my mac as he was considering my mac.
Lesson learnt - never pass over your mac to Sidwyn even if he is dead serious about it. Control+Command+Power Button. BAM! My laptop switches off. Ok fine. no big deal yet. switched it back on, and like previous times, Control+Command+Power Button.
I powered up my com again and left it in my bag forgetting that I had to hold 'option' to boot into Mac OS X. (I have Ubuntu, Windows 7 and Mac OS X - by default, Grub appears on start up and enters into Ubuntu.)
Walked around the school, up and down the lift twice, went to the com lab and finally came back the library with Allwin. This time, I got a shock of my life, my laptop was boiling. flipped the lid to realize I was in Ubuntu. Major disaster. I booted back into Mac OS X and had only ONE HOUR BATTERY LIFE LEFT!!!!!!
Surely a lot of heat was generated. My laptop had *never* felt so hot before.
Still, i decided to continue with my work, ignoring the scarily low battery life. I really thought mac would magically sustain itself (Maybe it had secret solar cells or could be powered remotely by radio waves or smth).
Replied a few emails, fired up Xcode again to fix the errors and waited for Alex. 50 mins left. 20 mins later, Alex finally came. He had to have a make up lesson for mentoring!!!! That is news - make for mEnToRiNg!!
Anyways, i then transferred 11.5GB of Tom and Jerry from his HDD. Another whammy, dropped to 10 mins this time.
Alex finally started to code in Xcode and Terminal.
And just as I was about to transfer VS 2008 to his HDD, the com dies.
I feel very sad for suffocating my laptop for the first time in its 3 month long history. I am finally at 7 cycles now with 97% health.
Lessons learnt - mac battery actually dies out eventually, never boast too much about your mac, and never lend your mac to Sidwyn.
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